Institute For Metaphysical Studies

Ama Deus Shamanic Healing

Ama Deus Shamanic Healing existing since 4000 years  is a powerful Vibrational Energetic Shamanic healing system which has been brought to us by a third-generation Brazilian Healer who lived, worked and studied with the Guarani people in the Amazon jungle of central Brazil.

Ama Deus Shamanic Healing can used for many issues including:

Healing for self and others
Distance Healing
Healing for emergencies
Healing for animals, birds and plants
Healing for Mother Earth
Assisting those nearing their transition from the Earthly plane
Assisting departed Souls during their transition back to Spiritual Beingness
Purification of food, water, medicines, etc
Physical and emotional healing of the heart
Assisting new beings at they enter the Earthly plane
Spiritual gifting on birthdays
Receipt of Spiritual information during dreamtime
Recollection of past lives
Journeying to YOUR Akashic Records
Supporting World Leaders
much, much more

Minimum Requirement -level 2  Reiki or any related knowledge .
Course Includes attunements for 26 symbols,Manulas,Cd and certificates .


 Indian Spirit-Shaman 

Hosoo Transmongolia - The Shaman From Nothern Mongolia

Shaman Prayer To The Sun

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